miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Types letter

Types letter
Letters must be considered under the subjective aspect and objective.
Considered under the first aspect , the cards can be letters and response . Letter is the letter used to take the initiative in any case, and letter of that answer that answered the letter.
To conveniently answer a letter missive presiso answer is in order, precision and accuracy, and return with courtesy and cordiality and friendship appreciation letter contained in the letter .
Considered under the objective aspect , ie , from object one propono writing , the letter may be a number of classes , ie , in many classes as needs and desires to communicate arising between separated by any distance people.
The present letter is that with a present or gift that is offered to certain persons accompanying . When writing a letter of this kind should manifest the cause that induces the clerk to give the gift and suggests a fear that is not pleasing or worthy of the person to whom it is intended, suplicándola , however, serve admit as an expression of appreciation, friendship or gratitude .
He answered the letter with another gift of gratitude , by which agadece received this sparingly , manifests have been accepted with great pleasure , and thanks to the person from whom is.
The letter of request is one that is intended to solicit a favor from the person to whom it is addressed.
When writing a letter of this kind , it must expose the need to induce the clerk to invoke the protection of the person to whom it is addressed, demonstrating the confidence you have and the influence exerted by his high character in society , concluding to ensure that the benefits received will be rewarded with well deserved and sincere gratitude .
In reply to the letter of request can be offered two different cases. The first is when the request is in conditions and provisions made ​​to grant the request , in which case welcomes and offers identical services for themselves sometimes
The second is when the individual concerned is unable to provide the service requested, in which case , after listing all the efforts made to achieve the desired object, expresses persar and provides services for more appropriate occasions.
It is the process used to solicit a person to society sent articles. Application covers only merchandise and the quality that distinguishes the accuracy. A letter of request contains:
1. Merchandise Detail . Specifying this should not skip any data ; is indispensable to mention number of packages , parcels, parts , color, size and style. All these data give providers found through catalogs and lists.
2. Price per unit. Write down the full name of the article and indicate the unit price .
3 . Means of transport . You must specify the shipping .
4 . Payment system . The most common are cash and credit.

5 . Place and date of delivery.

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